Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Adjustable Gastric Banding ‘Lap Band’ was a very popular operation from the late 90’s through to about 2010. It was by far the most commonly accessed bariatric procedure in Australia because of its minimally invasive approach and safety profile. However, with the evolution of the bariatric specialty it became obvious to clinicians that the gastric band, although a reasonable procedure, was not the best procedure. Obesity Surgery Brisbane stopped offering the gastric band procedure in about 2012.
Although we do not offer the procedure in the primary setting we do continue to look after a great many people who have previously had the intervention as they will require long term follow up.
It is important to emphasise some gastric band patients have done very well and we continue to support them in their efforts. That said some gastric band patients despite all of the best intentions have not done well and will require removal of the device and or revision. All previous gastric band patients require ongoing care.
Dr Hopkins aim is always to optimise the outcome and continue with regular surveillance to try and detect device issues or symptom issues early so they can be avoided. At Obesity Surgery Brisbane we advocate as a minimum, in terms of surveillance, is for band patients to be seen by the gastric banding specialist team at least once a year. Depending on the progress and the symptom complex the band may be imaged to detect any anatomical problems. As well as this we would like to add the offer of ongoing dietetic input as necessary.
The lap band is regarded as a ‘legacy procedure’ but still is an important part of our practice. We are happy to accept patients from all over the country for ongoing management. That can either be to continue with satisfactory outcome or to change directions for an unsatisfactory outcome.
Please do not hesitate to contact the clinic if you require an opinion.